G.A.Y.E.R. Wikia

<hero description="Official wiki of the Golden Apple Youth Erisian Resistance. " imagename="" cropposition=""></hero>

Welcome to the G.A.Y.E.R. Wikia[]

Members of GAYER are among the Erisian elite and GAYEST (Golden Apple Youth Erisian Strategic & Tactical) militants in all of Discordia!

We, the GAY, believe that the human experience is extremely varied and deeply personal. We align ourselves against the rejection and dismissal of identities and expressions outside oppressively defined norms. In the parlance of Discordia, Declare Yourself What You Wish!

The GAYEST faction seeks to unleash the chaotic force of human creative potential by organizing against oppressive power structures that systemically limit Popes like you and we, near and far, past and present. Think For Yourself, Schmuck!!

In the memetime, consider how this Gonzo Chaos Religion has affected you spiritually, ideologically, aesthetically, and however else, but most importantly: earnestly and personally. Mark up the pages of your Erisian literature. Nothing is true. Everything is submitted!!

– God Spoke to Me of the Future –

– And She Said That It was Gay as Hell –

Get GAYER today!! 

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